paint.edges: Paint tree edges based on species regimes
This function estimates the proportion of edges to be assigned to regimes based on ancestral regime reconstruction (Yang et al. 1995; Pupko et al. 2000; Paradis et al. 2004; Revell 2012).
Whether or not to average reconstructed probabilities of regime states from parent and daughter nodes for tree edges.
Whether or not to return a root edge.
A matrix of dimension nedge-by-nregimes. NOTE: edges are in postorder.
Paradis E., Claude J., Strimmer K. 2004. APE: analyses of phylogenetics and evolution in R language. Bioinformatics. 20:289.290.
Pupko T., Pe'er I., Shamir R., Graur D. 2000. A fast algorithm for joint reconstruction of ancestral amino acid sequences. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 17:890-896.
Yang Z., Kumar S., Nei, M. 1995. A new method of inference of ancestral nucleotide and amino acid sequences. Genetics. 141:1641-1650.
# NOT RUN {require(ape)
tree <- rtree(n=10)
groups <- setNames(factor(c(rep("groupA",5),rep("groupB",5))),tree$tip.label)
painted.edges <- paint.edges(tree = tree,species.groups = groups)
# }