ultraFastAnc: Ultra-fast maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstruction
This function performs ancestral state reconstruction using a fast algorithm based on phylogenetically independent contrasts (Felsenstein 1985). Contrary to fastAnc, which reroots the tree at each internal node and recalculates the root state for each tree, this algorithm only requires a single tree traversal (Goolsby, In Review). This function is several hundred to several thousand times faster than the rerooting method used in fastAnc, which is the next-fastest maximum likelihood ancestral state reconstruction method currently described (Revell 2012). As in the fastAnc function, the variance and 95% intervals of estimates are optionally returned.
NOTE: trees with polytomies are supported but (currently) slow down the algorithm considerably.
ultraFastAnc(phy, x, vars = FALSE, CI = FALSE)
A tree of class 'phylo'
A named vector of trait values
Whether to return the variances of the (restricted) maximum likelihood estimates
Whether to return 95% confidence intervals of the (restricted) maximum likelihood estimates
A named vector of maximum likelihood ancestral states (with names corresponding to node number). If vars or CI is set to TRUE, a list is returned with these values included.
Goolsby E.W. (In Review). "Ultra-fast ancestral state reconstruction of continuous characters: a rerooting-free maximum likelihood approach."
Felsenstein, J. (1985) Phylogenies and the comparative method. American Naturalist, 125, 1-15.
Revell, L. J. (2012) phytools: An R package for phylogenetic comparative biology (and other things). Methods Ecol. Evol., 3, 217-223.
# NOT RUN {require(ape)
tree <- rtree(1e4) # random tree with 10,000 taxax <- setNames(rnorm(1e4),tree$tip.label) # random trait datarecon <- ultraFastAnc(phy=tree,x=x,CI=TRUE)
# }