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phylolm (version 2.6.5)

quartetCF: Quartet concordance factors across Arabidopsis thaliana


Concordance factors of quartets for 29 A. thaliana accessions and A. lyrata, obtained from chromosome 4 using MDL to delimit loci then BUCKy on each 4-taxon set.





Data frame with 7 variables and 27,405 rows. Each row corresponds to one 4-taxon set (choosing 4 taxa out of 30 makes 27,405 combinations). The first four variables, named 'taxon1' through 'taxon4', give the names of the 4 taxa in each 4-taxon set. Variables 5 through 7 are named CF12.34, CF13.24 and CF14.23, and give the estimated concordance factors of the 3 quartets on each set of 4 taxa: taxon 1 + taxon 2 versus taxon3 + taxon 4, etc. These concordance factors are the proportion of loci that have a given quartet tree. They were obtained from chromosome 4 using MDL to delimit loci then BUCKy to estimate quartet concordance factors (CFs).


Stenz, Noah W. M., Bret Larget, David A. Baum and Cécile Ané (2015). Exploring tree-like and non-tree-like patterns using genome sequences: An example using the inbreeding plant species Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. Systematic Biology, 64(5):809-823.

TICR pipeline: github.com/nstenz/TICR