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phytools (version 0.7-70)

drop.tip.simmap: Drop tips or extract clade from tree with mapped discrete character


This function drops one or multiple tips from the modified "phylo" object with a mapped binary or multistate trait (see read.simmap) while maintaining the matrix $mapped.edge and list of mappings by branch maps. This function is equivalent to drop.tip but for a tree with a mapped discrete character.

extract.clade.simmap is functionally equivalent to extract.clade but preserves discrete character mappings on the tree.


drop.tip.simmap(tree, tip)
extract.clade.simmap(tree, node)



a modified object of class "phylo" (see read.simmap).


name or names of species to be dropped.


node number for the root node of the clade to be extracted.


A modified object of class "phylo" containing the elements maps and $mapped.edge with the time spent in each state along each edge of the tree.


Revell, L. J. (2012) phytools: An R package for phylogenetic comparative biology (and other things). Methods Ecol. Evol., 3, 217-223.

See Also

brownie.lite, drop.tip, extract.clade, make.simmap, read.simmap, sim.history