Either a matrix of the same dimensions as tree$edge containing the height above the root of each node in edge (for nodeHeights); or a single positive number (for nodeheight).
a phylogeny as an object of class "phylo".
for nodeheight, the node for which we want to compute a height above the root (or including the root edge, for root.edge=TRUE).
optional arguments - presently only root.edge, a logical value indicating whether or not to include the root edge length in the calculation of node heights.
The function nodeHeights also gives a handy way to get the total length of the tree from the root to the heighest tip which will be given by max(nodeHeights(tree)).
Generally speaking, nodeHeights will be faster if the heights of all or a large proportion of nodes is needed, wherease nodeheight will be faster if the height of one or a small number of nodes are needed.
Revell, L. J. (2012) phytools: An R package for phylogenetic comparative biology (and other things). Methods Ecol. Evol., 3, 217-223.