Computes the Robinson-Foulds (Robinson & Foulds 1981) distance between a set of trees in an object of class "multiPhylo"
A matrix containing distances.
object of class "multiPhylo"
consisting of two or more fully bifurcating, unrooted trees. If trees are rooted, they will be unrooted.
logical argument indicating whether or not to run quietly. (Defaults to FALSE
logical argument indicating whether or not to resolve multifurcating trees. (Defaults to FALSE
Liam Revell
Computes the Robinson-Foulds distance between all phylogenies in an object of class "multiPhylo"
. Uses prop.part
internally for most of the heavy lifting.
Revell, L. J. (2024) phytools 2.0: an updated R ecosystem for phylogenetic comparative methods (and other things). PeerJ, 12, e16505.
Robinson, D. R., Foulds, L. R. (1981) Comparison of phylogenetic trees. Mathematical Biosciences, 53, 131-147.