Like base require
, irequire
tries to find and load a package,
but in an interactive way, i.e. offering the user to install it if not found.
lib = NULL,
load = TRUE,
msg = NULL,
quiet = TRUE,
prependLF = FALSE,
ptype = c("CRAN-like", "BioC", "BioCsoft", "BioCann"),
autoinstall = !interactive()
if the package was successfully loaded/found (installed),
name of the package
path to the directory (library) where the package is to be looked for and installed if agreed by the user.
extra arguments passed to install.packages
a logical that indicates if the package should be loaded, possibly after installation.
message to display in case the package is not found when first
trying to load/find it.
This message is appended to the string "Package '<packagename>' is required"
logical that indicates if loading a package should be done quietly
with require.quiet
or normally with require
logical that indicates if the message should start at a new line.
type of package: from CRAN-like repositories, Bioconductor, Bioconductor software, Bioconductor annotation.
Bioconductor packages are installed using biocLite
from the
BiocInstaller package or fetched on line at
logical that indicates if missing packages should just be installed without asking with the user, which is the default in non-interactive sessions.
Other require: