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plan (version 0.4-5)

read.burndown: Scan burndown data file


Read a data file containing burndown information.


read.burndown(file, debug = FALSE)


A burndown object.



a connection or a character string giving the name of the file to load.


boolean, set to TRUE to print debugging information.

Sample data file

Start, 2006-04-08 12:00:00
Deadline, 2006-04-11 20:00:00
Key, Description,            Effort
  1, Code read.burndown(),    4
  2, Code summary.burndown(), 1
  3, Code plot.burndown(),    5
  4, Create R package,        2
  5, Write documentation,     2
  6, Set up website,          1
Key, Done, Time
  1,    5, 2006-04-08 13:00:00
  2,    5, 2006-04-08 13:30:00
  1,   10, 2006-04-08 14:00:00
  2,   50, 2006-04-08 15:00:00
  4,    5, 2006-04-08 19:30:00
  5,    5, 2006-04-08 20:00:00
  4,  100, 2006-04-08 21:16:00
  1,   50, 2006-04-09 09:10:00
  3,    5, 2006-04-09 09:41:00
  3,   30, 2006-04-09 10:18:00
  3,   80, 2006-04-09 11:00:00
  2,   60, 2006-04-09 12:00:00
  2,  100, 2006-04-09 12:10:00
  1,   70, 2006-04-09 12:30:00
  5,   30, 2006-04-09 13:50:00
  5,   90, 2006-04-09 14:20:00
  5,  100, 2006-04-09 14:30:00
  1,  100, 2006-04-09 14:35:00
  3,  100, 2006-04-09 14:40:00
  6,  100, 2006-04-09 16:00:00


Dan Kelley


Reads a burndown dataset.

A strict format is required, in which the following items must be present, in the stated order, and with nothing else in the file. An example is given after the description.

  • Line 1: contains two comma-separated items: the string Start, and a time expressed in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD or YYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss). This line indicates the start of the project.

  • Line 2: as Line 1, but the string is to be Start, and the line indicates the deadline for the project.

  • Line 3: a header line for a "tasks" list, comprising the following three words separated by commas: Key, Description, and Effort.

  • Lines 4 to N: data lines, each containing three items: a numeric index "Key" for the task, a short "Description" of the task, and the estimated "Effort" for this task, expressed as a number. The keys must be distinct, and they must match the keys in the progress table (see below). The description should be short enough to give a reasonable-size legend as created by plot,burndown-method(). The effort may be expressed in any convenient unit, e.g. the number of hours or days for the task, or as a percentage of the overall task.

  • Line N+1: a header line for the "Progress" list, comprising the following four words separated by commas: Key, Done, and Time.

  • Line N+2 to end: data lines holding Progress items. Each "Key" must match a key in the task list. The "Done" column holds the percentage of the task that has been completed. The "Time" is in ISO 8601 format, as described above.

See Also

Other things related to burndown data: as.burndown(), burndown-class, burndown, plot,burndown-method, summary,burndown-method


Run this code
filename <- system.file("extdata", "burndown.dat", package="plan")
b <- read.burndown(filename)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab