The .csv file should be formatted as a microtiter plate. The top-left most
cell contains the name to use for the column representing that plate. For
example, for a 96-well plate, the subsequent wells in the top row should be
labeled 1-12. The subsequent cells in the first column should be labeled A-H.
That is:
ColName |
1 |
2 |
3 |
... |
A |
A01 |
A02 |
A03 |
... |
B |
B01 |
B02 |
B03 |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
... |
In this example, the cells within the plate contain the well IDs ("A01",
"A02"), but they may contain arbitrary characters: numbers, letters, or
punctuation. Any cell may also be blank.
Note that Microsoft Excel will sometimes include cells that appear to be
blank in the .csv files it produces, so the files may have spurious columns
or rows outside of the plate, causing errors. To solve this problem, copy and
paste just the cells within the plate to a fresh worksheet and save it.