can be used stand--alone with a plm object. It is also used in
to produce the F statistic.
performs the test if the slope coefficients of a panel regression are jointly zero.
It does not perform general purpose Wald-style tests (for those, see waldtest
(from package lmtest) or linearHypothesis
(from car)).
If a user specified variance-covariance matrix/function is given in
argument vcov
, the robust version of the tests are carried out.
In that case, if the F test is requested (test = "F"
) and no
overwriting of the second degrees of freedom parameter is given (by
supplying argument (.df2
)), the adjustment of the second degrees
of freedom parameter is performed by default. The second degrees of
freedom parameter is adjusted to be the number of unique elements of the
clustered variable - 1, e. g. the number of individuals - 1.
The adjustment requires the vcov to carry an attribute called "cluster"
with a known clustering described as a character (for now this could be
either the character "group"
or "time"
). The vcovXX functions
of the package plm provide such an attribute for their returned
variance--covariance matrices. No adjustment is done for unknown descriptions
in the character of the attribute "cluster" or when the attribute "cluster"
is not present. For the adjustment, see e. g. Cameron/Miller (2015), section VII;
Andress/Golsch/Schmidt (2013), pp. 126, footnote 4.