### Example 1 ###
# prepare the data
data("Cigar" , package = "plm")
Cigar[ , "fact1"] <- c(0,1)
Cigar[ , "fact2"] <- c(1,0)
Cigar.p <- pdata.frame(Cigar)
# setup a formula and a model frame
form <- price ~ 0 + cpi + fact1 + fact2
mf <- model.frame(Cigar.p, form)
# no linear dependence in the pooling model's model matrix
# (with intercept in the formula, there would be linear dependence)
detect.lindep(model.matrix(mf, model = "pooling"))
# linear dependence present in the FE transformed model matrix
modmat_FE <- model.matrix(mf, model = "within")
mod_FE <- plm(form, data = Cigar.p, model = "within")
alias(mod_FE) # => fact1 == -1*fact2
plm(form, data = mf, model = "within")$aliased # "fact2" indicated as aliased
# look at the data: after FE transformation fact1 == -1*fact2
all.equal(modmat_FE[ , "fact1"], -1*modmat_FE[ , "fact2"])
### Example 2 ###
# Setup the data:
# Assume CEOs stay with the firms of the Grunfeld data
# for the firm's entire lifetime and assume some fictional
# data about CEO tenure and age in year 1935 (first observation
# in the data set) to be at 1 to 10 years and 38 to 55 years, respectively.
# => CEO tenure and CEO age increase by same value (+1 year per year).
data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
# add fictional data
Grunfeld$CEOtenure <- c(replicate(10, seq(from=s<-sample(1:10, 1), to=s+19, by=1)))
Grunfeld$CEOage <- c(replicate(10, seq(from=s<-sample(38:65, 1), to=s+19, by=1)))
# look at the data
head(Grunfeld, 50)
form <- inv ~ value + capital + CEOtenure + CEOage
mf <- model.frame(pdata.frame(Grunfeld), form)
# no linear dependent columns in original data/pooling model
modmat_pool <- model.matrix(mf, model="pooling")
mod_pool <- plm(form, data = Grunfeld, model = "pooling")
# CEOtenure and CEOage are linear dependent after FE transformation
# (demeaning per individual)
modmat_FE <- model.matrix(mf, model="within")
mod_FE <- plm(form, data = Grunfeld, model = "within")
# look at the transformed data: after FE transformation CEOtenure == 1*CEOage
head(modmat_FE, 50)
all.equal(modmat_FE[ , "CEOtenure"], modmat_FE[ , "CEOage"])
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