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plot3Drgl (version 1.0.4)

plotrgl: Plot 3D graphs in rgl window.


plotrgl plots objects created with functions from package plot3D in an rgl window.


plotrgl (lighting = FALSE, new = TRUE, add = FALSE, smooth = FALSE, ...)



Logical, when TRUE will add light. Default is with lighting toggled off; this is similar to shading


Logical, when TRUE will open a new window. When FALSE will start a new plot in the same window. Is overruled (to FALSE) if add is TRUE.


Logical, when TRUE will add to the current plot.


Logical, specifying whether Gouraud shading (smooth) or flat shading should be used. See material3d from R-package rgl. (note: if TRUE then cutrgl will not work). This only affects images.


Any argument to the rgl functions, e.g arguments from par3d, open3d or material3d.


Karline Soetaert <karline.soetaert@nioz.nl>

See Also

material3d, par3d for rgl arguments that can be passed to the function.

A similar function, plotdev, from package plot3D plots the 3D graphs to the current device (other than a rgl-device).

Any function of package plot3D: see e.g. help files of persp3D, scatter3D, arrows3D, slice3D, surf3D.

Direct rgl functions, see persp3Drgl, scatter3Drgl, etc....


Run this code
# save plotting parameters
 pm <- par("mfrow")
 pmar <- par("mar")

## =======================================================================
## Composite image and contour in 3D
## =======================================================================
# plot reduced resolution (for speed) volcano to traditional window: 
 VV <- volcano[seq(1, nrow(volcano), by = 3), seq(1, ncol(volcano), by = 3)]
 persp3D(z = VV, contour = list(side = "zmax"))

 plotrgl(new = TRUE) # new window

# add light, smooth surface change x-axis limits 
 plotrgl(new = FALSE, lighting = TRUE, 
   xlim = c(0.2, 0.8), smooth = TRUE)

# same:
# persp3Drgl(z = volcano, contour = list(side = "zmax"), 
#  lighting = TRUE, xlim = c(0.2, 0.8), smooth = TRUE)
## =======================================================================
## scatters with fitted surface and droplines (see ?scatter3D)
## =======================================================================

 par (mfrow = c(1, 1))
 with (mtcars, {

  # linear regression
   fit <- lm(mpg ~ wt + disp)

  # predict values on regular xy grid
   wt.pred <- seq(1.5, 5.5, length.out = 30)
   disp.pred <- seq(71, 472, length.out = 30)
   xy <- expand.grid(wt = wt.pred, 
                     disp = disp.pred)

   mpg.pred <- matrix (nrow = 30, ncol = 30, 
      data = predict(fit, newdata = data.frame(xy), 
      interval = "prediction")[,1])

# fitted points for droplines to surface
   fitpoints <- predict(fit) 

   scatter3D(z = mpg, x = wt, y = disp, pch = 18, cex = 2, 
      theta = 20, phi = 20, ticktype = "detailed",
      xlab = "wt", ylab = "disp", zlab = "mpg",  
      surf = list(x = wt.pred, y = disp.pred, z = mpg.pred, 
                  facets = NA, fit = fitpoints),
      main = "mtcars")

## =======================================================================
## scatter3D with text
## =======================================================================
 with(USArrests, text3D(Murder, Assault, Rape,
    colvar = UrbanPop, col = gg.col(100), theta = 60, phi = 20,
    xlab = "Murder", ylab = "Assault", zlab = "Rape",
    main = "USA arrests",
    labels = rownames(USArrests), cex = 0.8,
    bty = "g", ticktype = "detailed", d = 2,
    clab = c("Urban","Pop"), adj = 0.5, font = 2))

 with(USArrests, scatter3D(Murder, Assault, Rape - 1,
    colvar = UrbanPop, col = gg.col(100),
    type = "h", pch = ".", add = TRUE))


## =======================================================================
## spheresurf3D
## =======================================================================

 AA <- Hypsometry$z

# log transformation of color variable; full = TRUE to plot both halves
 spheresurf3D(AA, theta = 90, phi = 30, box = FALSE,
    full = TRUE, plot = FALSE) 

# change the way the left mouse reacts
 plotrgl(mouseMode = c("zAxis", "zoom", "fov"))

## =======================================================================
## Arrows - has a flaw
## =======================================================================

 z <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = 100) 
 x <- cos(z)
 y <- sin(z)

 z0 <- z[seq(1, by = 10, length.out = 10)]
 z1 <- z[seq(9, by = 10, length.out = 10)]

# cone arrow heads
 arrows3D(x0 = 10*cos(z0), y0 = sin(z0), z0 = z0,
          x1 = 10*cos(z1), y1 = sin(z1), z1 = z1, 
          type = "cone", length = 0.4, lwd = 4,
          angle = 20, col = 1:10, plot = FALSE)

 plotrgl(lighting = TRUE)

## =======================================================================
## 2D plot
## =======================================================================

 image2D(z = volcano)
# reset plotting parameters 
 par(mfrow = pm)
 par(mar = pmar)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab