Learn R Programming

plotly (version 4.10.1)

api_create: Tools for working with plotly's REST API (v2)


Convenience functions for working with version 2 of plotly's REST API. Upload R objects to a plotly account via api_create() and download plotly objects via api_download_plot()/api_download_grid(). For anything else, use api().


  x = last_plot(),
  filename = NULL,
  fileopt = c("overwrite", "new"),
  sharing = c("public", "private", "secret"),

# S3 method for plotly api_create( x = last_plot(), filename = NULL, fileopt = "overwrite", sharing = "public", ... )

# S3 method for ggplot api_create( x = last_plot(), filename = NULL, fileopt = "overwrite", sharing = "public", ... )

# S3 method for data.frame api_create(x, filename = NULL, fileopt = "overwrite", sharing = "public", ...)

api_download_plot(id, username)

api_download_grid(id, username)

api(endpoint = "/", verb = "GET", body = NULL, ...)



An R object to hosted on plotly's web platform. Can be a plotly/ggplot2 object or a data.frame.


character vector naming file(s). If x is a plot, can be a vector of length 2 naming both the plot AND the underlying grid.


character string describing whether to "overwrite" existing files or ensure "new" file(s) are always created.


If 'public', anyone can view this graph. It will appear in your profile and can appear in search engines. You do not need to be logged in to Plotly to view this chart. If 'private', only you can view this plot. It will not appear in the Plotly feed, your profile, or search engines. You must be logged in to Plotly to view this graph. You can privately share this graph with other Plotly users in your online Plotly account and they will need to be logged in to view this plot. If 'secret', anyone with this secret link can view this chart. It will not appear in the Plotly feed, your profile, or search engines. If it is embedded inside a webpage or an IPython notebook, anybody who is viewing that page will be able to view the graph. You do not need to be logged in to view this plot.


For api(), these arguments are passed onto httr::RETRY(). For api_create(), these arguments are included in the body of the HTTP request.


a filename id.


a plotly username.


the endpoint (i.e., location) for the request. To see a list of all available endpoints, call api(). Any relevant query parameters should be included here (see examples).


name of the HTTP verb to use (as in, httr::RETRY()).


body of the HTTP request(as in, httr::RETRY()). If this value is not already converted to JSON (via jsonlite::toJSON()), it uses the internal to_JSON() to ensure values are "automatically unboxed" (i.e., vec.


Carson Sievert



See Also



Run this code

if (FALSE) {

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# api_create() makes it easy to upload ggplot2/plotly objects
# and/or data frames to your plotly account
# ------------------------------------------------------------

# A data frame creates a plotly "grid". Printing one will take you 
# to the it's web address so you can start creating!
(m <- api_create(mtcars))

# A plotly/ggplot2 object create a plotly "plot".
p <- plot_ly(mtcars, x = ~factor(vs))
(r <- api_create(p))

# api_create() returns metadata about the remote "file". Here is
# one way you could use that metadata to download a plot for local use:
fileID <- strsplit(r$file$fid, ":")[[1]]
  api_download_plot(fileID[2], fileID[1]),
  title = sprintf("Local version of this plot", r$file$web_url)

# The api() function provides a low-level interface for performing 
# any action at any endpoint! It always returns a list.
# ------------------------------------------------------------

# list all the endpoints

# search the entire platform!
# see https://api.plot.ly/v2/search
api("search?q=plottype:pie trump fake")

# these examples will require a user account
usr <- Sys.getenv("plotly_username", NA)
if (!is.na(usr)) {
  # your account info https://api.plot.ly/v2/#users
  api(sprintf("users/%s", usr))
  # your folders/files https://api.plot.ly/v2/folders#user
  api(sprintf("folders/home?user=%s", usr))

# Retrieve a specific file https://api.plot.ly/v2/files#retrieve

# change the filename https://api.plot.ly/v2/files#update
# (note: this won't work unless you have proper credentials to the relevant account)
api("files/cpsievert:14681", "PATCH", list(filename = "toy file")) 

# Copy a file https://api.plot.ly/v2/files#lookup
api("files/cpsievert:14681/copy", "POST")

# Create a folder https://api.plot.ly/v2/folders#create
api("folders", "POST", list(path = "/starts/at/root/and/ends/here"))


Run the code above in your browser using DataLab