Returns an object of class mvrV, simliar to to mvr object of the pls package.
arguments passed on to mvrV).
optional additional response vector/matrix found in the input data.
optional object weighting vector.
choice (default = truncation).
Kristian Hovde Liland.
Loading weights are truncated around their median based on confidence intervals
for modelling without replicates (Lenth et al.). The arguments passed to mvrV include
all possible arguments to cppls and the following truncation parameters
(with defaults) trunc.pow=FALSE, truncation=NULL, trunc.width=NULL, trunc.weight=0,
reorth=FALSE, symmetric=FALSE.
The default way of performing truncation involves the following parameter values:
truncation="Lenth", trunc.width=0.95, indicating Lenth's confidence intervals (assymmetric),
with a confidence of 95
shrinkage instead of a hard threshold. An alternative truncation strategy can be used with:
truncation="quantile", in which a quantile line is used for detecting outliers/inliers.
K.H. Liland, M. Høy, H. Martens, S. Sæbø: Distribution based truncation for
variable selection in subspace methods for multivariate regression, Chemometrics and
Intelligent Laboratory Systems 122 (2013) 103-111.