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plyr (version 1.8.7)

mutate: Mutate a data frame by adding new or replacing existing columns.


This function is very similar to transform but it executes the transformations iteratively so that later transformations can use the columns created by earlier transformations. Like transform, unnamed components are silently dropped.


mutate(.data, ...)



the data frame to transform


named parameters giving definitions of new columns.


Mutate seems to be considerably faster than transform for large data frames.

See Also

subset, summarise, arrange. For another somewhat different approach to solving the same problem, see within.


Run this code
# Examples from transform
mutate(airquality, Ozone = -Ozone)
mutate(airquality, new = -Ozone, Temp = (Temp - 32) / 1.8)

# Things transform can't do
mutate(airquality, Temp = (Temp - 32) / 1.8, OzT = Ozone / Temp)

# mutate is rather faster than transform
system.time(transform(baseball, avg_ab = ab / g))
system.time(mutate(baseball, avg_ab = ab / g))

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