# Load the standard iris dataset:
# First wrap the data:
iris_box <- xform_wrap(iris)
# Normalize all numeric variables of the loaded iris dataset to lie
# between 0 and 1. These would normalize "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width",
# "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width" to the 4 new derived variables named
# derived_Sepal.Length, derived_Sepal.Width, derived_Petal.Length,
# derived_Petal.Width.
iris_box_1 <- xform_min_max(iris_box)
# Normalize the 1st column values of the dataset (Sepal.Length) to lie
# between 0 and 1 and give the derived variable the name "dsl".
iris_box_1 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "column1 -> dsl")
# Repeat the above operation; adding the new transformed variable to
# the iris_box object.
iris_box <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "column1 -> dsl")
# Transform Sepal.Width(the 2nd column).
# The new transformed variable will be given the default name
# "derived_Sepal.Width".
iris_box_3 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "column2")
# Repeat the same operation as above, this time using the variable name.
iris_box_4 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "Sepal.Width")
# Repeat the same operation as above, now assigning the transformed variable,
# "derived_Sepal.Width", the value of 0.5 if the input value of the
# "Sepal.Width" variable is missing.
iris_box_5 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "Sepal.Width", "map_missing_to=0.5")
# Transform Sepal.Width(the 2nd column) to lie between 2 and 3.
# The new transformed variable will be given the default name
# "derived_Sepal.Width".
iris_box_6 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "column2->[2,3]")
# Repeat the above transformation, this time the transformed variable
# lies between 0 and 10.
iris_box_7 <- xform_min_max(iris_box, xform_info = "column2->[,10]")
# }
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