Produce posterior means of lambda's for the parametric GMM implementation given autoregressive coefficient (rho)
GMM_parametric(rho, alpha = 0, optim_method, init, n_lambda, n_alpha,
X_mat, Y_mat, Z_mat, W, T, N, aux_Y0, common_par_method, X_star, Y_star,
lagged dependent variable coefficients
external variables coefficients
optimization method
initial values for the optimization routine
number of columns in W; currently always set to 1
number of external variables
lagged dependent variable matrix
dependent variable matrix
external variable matrix
cross-sectionally invariant variables - not used now
time dimension of the data
cross-sectional dimension of the data
auxiliary matrix with initial observations of the dependent variable
method for estimating common parameters
auxiliary matrix for OFD transformation
auxiliary matrix for OFD transformation
auxiliary matrix for OFD transformation