Learn R Programming

pointblank (version 0.7.0)

from_github: Specify a file for download from GitHub


The from_github() function is helpful for generating a valid URL that points to a data file in a public GitHub repository. This function can be used in the file argument of the file_tbl() function or anywhere else where GitHub URLs for raw user content are needed.


from_github(file, repo, subdir = NULL)



The name of the file to target in a GitHub repository. This can be a path leading to and including the file. This is combined with any path given in subdir.


The GitHub repository address in the format username/repo[/subdir][@ref|#pull|@*release].


A path string representing a subdirectory in the GitHub repository. This is combined with any path components included in file.


A character vector of length 1 that contains a URL.

Function ID


See Also

Other Utility and Helper Functions: affix_datetime(), affix_date(), col_schema(), has_columns(), stop_if_not()


Run this code
# A valid URL to a data file in GitHub can be
# obtained from the HEAD of the default branch
# from_github(
#   file = "inst/data_files/small_table.csv",
#   repo = "rich-iannone/pointblank"
# )

# The path to the file location can be supplied
# fully or partially to `subdir`
# from_github(
#   file = "small_table.csv",
#   repo = "rich-iannone/pointblank",
#   subdir = "inst/data_files"
# )

# We can use the first call in combination with
# `file_tbl()` and `create_agent()`; this
# supplies a table-prep formula that gets
# a CSV file from the GitHub repository for the
# pointblank package 
# agent <- 
#   create_agent(
#     read_fn = ~ file_tbl(
#       file = from_github(
#         file = "inst/data_files/small_table.csv",
#         repo = "rich-iannone/pointblank"
#       ),
#       col_types = "TDdcddlc"
#     )
#   ) %>%
#   col_vals_gt(vars(a), 0) %>%
#   interrogate()

# The `from_github()` helper function is
# pretty powerful and can get at lots of
# different files in a repository

# A data file from GitHub can be obtained from
# a commit at release time
# from_github(
#   file = "inst/extdata/small_table.csv",
#   repo = "rich-iannone/pointblank@v0.2.1"
# )

# A file may also be obtained from a repo at the
# point in time of a specific commit (partial or
# full SHA-1 hash for the commit can be used)
# from_github(
#   file = "data-raw/small_table.csv",
#   repo = "rich-iannone/pointblank@e04a71"
# )

# A file may also be obtained from an
# *open* pull request
# from_github(
#   file = "data-raw/small_table.csv",
#   repo = "rich-iannone/pointblank#248"
# )

# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab