AddAlleleFreqHWE: Estimate Allele Frequencies in a RADdata Object Assuming Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Allele frequencies are estimated based on the best parameters available.
object$alleleFreqByTaxa is used if available. If object$alleleFreqByTaxa
is null, GetWeightedMeanGenotypes is used, and if that isn't possible
object$depthRatio is used. From whichever of the three options is used,
column means are taken, the output of which is stored as object$alleleFreq.
A character vector indicating taxa that should be excluded from the calculation.
Included to allow more arguments in the future, although none are currently used.
A "RADdata" object identical to the one passed to the function, but
with allele frequencies added to object$alleleFreq, and "HWE"
as the value for the "alleleFreqType" attribute.
# NOT RUN {# load in an example datasetdata(exampleRAD)
# add allele frequenciesexampleRAD <- AddAlleleFreqHWE(exampleRAD)
# }