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polyRAD (version 1.1)

SubsetByPloidy: Create a RADdata object with a Subset of Possible Ploidies


This function is used for removing some of the ploidies (inheritance modes) stored in a RADdata object. If genotype calling has already been performed, all of the relevant slots will be subsetted to only keep the ploidies that the user indicates.


SubsetByPloidy(object, ...)
# S3 method for RADdata
SubsetByPloidy(object, ploidies, …)



A RADdata object.


A list, formatted like object$possiblePloidies, indicating ploidies to retain. Each item in the list is a vector, where 2 indicates diploid, c(2, 2) allotetraploid, 4 autotetraploid, etc.

Other arguments (none implemented).


A RADdata object identical to object, but only containing data relevant to the inheritance modes listed in ploidies.


Note that slots of object are subsetted but not recalculated. For example, GetWeightedMeanGenotypes takes a weighted mean across ploidies, which is in turn used for estimating allele frequencies and performing PCA. If the values in object$ploidyChiSq are considerably higher for the ploidies being removed than for the ploidies being retained, this difference is likely to be small and not substantially impact genotype calling. Otherwise, it may be advisable to re-run genotype calling after running SubsetByPloidy.

See Also

SubsetByTaxon, SubsetByLocus


Run this code
# Example dataset assuming diploidy or autotetraploidy
exampleRAD <- IterateHWE(exampleRAD)
# Subset to only keep tetraploid results
exampleRAD <- SubsetByPloidy(exampleRAD, ploidies = list(4))
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab