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polyRAD (version 1.1)

TestOverdispersion: Test the Fit of Read Depth to Beta-Binomial Distribution


This function is intended to help the user select a value to pass to the overdispersion argument of AddGenotypeLikelihood, generally via pipeline functions such as IterateHWE or PipelineMapping2Parents.


TestOverdispersion(object, ...)

# S3 method for RADdata TestOverdispersion(object, to_test = seq(6, 20, by = 2), …)



A RADdata object. Genotype calling does not need to have been performed, although for mapping populations it might be helpful to have done a preliminary run of PipelineMapping2Parents without linkage.


A vector containing values to test. These are values that will potentially be used for the overdispersion argument of a pipeline function. They should all be positive numbers.

Additional arguments (none implemented).


A list of the same length as to_test. The names of the list are to_test converted to a character vector. Each item in the list is a vector of p-values, one per examined genotype, of the read depth ratio for that genotype to deviate that much from the expected ratio.


If no genotype calling has been performed, a single iteration under HWE using default parameters will be done. object$ploidyChiSq is then examined to determine the most common/most likely inheritance mode for the whole dataset. The alleles that are examined are only those where this inheritance mode has the lowest chi-squared value.

Within this inheritance mode and allele set, genotypes are selected where the posterior probability of having a single copy of the allele is at least 0.95. Read depth for these genotypes is then analyzed. For each genotype, a two-tailed probability is calculated for the read depth ratio to deviate from the expected ratio by at least that much under the beta-binomial distribution. This test is performed for each overdispersion value provided in to_test.


Run this code
# dataset with overdispersion

# test several values for the overdispersion parameter
myP <- TestOverdispersion(Msi01genes, to_test = 8:10)

# visualize results with QQ plots
qq(myP[["8"]])  # over-fit; too much overdispersion in model
qq(myP[["9"]])  # fairly close to expected; good value to use
qq(myP[["10"]]) # slightly under-fit; not enough overdispersion
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab