### Policy graphs for converged solutions
sol <- solve_POMDP(model = Tiger)
## visualization
## use a different graph layout (circle and manual; needs igraph)
plot_policy_graph(sol, layout =
plot_policy_graph(sol, layout = rbind(c(1,1), c(1,-1), c(0,0), c(-1,-1), c(-1,1)), margin = .2)
layout = rbind(c(1,0), c(.5,0), c(0,0), c(-.5,0), c(-1,0)), rescale = FALSE,
vertex.size = 15, edge.curved = 2,
main = "Tiger Problem")
## hide labels, beliefs and legend
plot_policy_graph(sol, show_belief = FALSE, edge.label = NA, vertex.label = NA, legend = FALSE)
## custom larger vertex labels (A, B, ...)
vertex.label = LETTERS[1:nrow(policy(sol))],
vertex.size = 60,
vertex.label.cex = 2,
edge.label.cex = .7,
vertex.label.color = "white")
## plotting the igraph object directly
pg <- policy_graph(sol, show_belief = TRUE,
simplify_observations = TRUE, remove_unreachable_nodes = TRUE)
## (e.g., using a tree layout)
plot(pg, layout = layout_as_tree(pg, root = 3, mode = "out"))
## change labels (abbreviate observations and use only actions to label the vertices)
edge.label = abbreviate(E(pg)$label),
vertex.label = V(pg)$action,
vertex.size = 20)
## use action to color vertices (requires a graph without a belief pie chart)
## and color edges to represent observations.
pg <- policy_graph(sol, show_belief = FALSE,
simplify_observations = TRUE, remove_unreachable_nodes = TRUE)
vertex.label = NA,
vertex.color = factor(V(pg)$action),
vertex.size = 20,
edge.color = factor(E(pg)$observation),
edge.curved = .1
acts <- levels(factor(V(pg)$action))
legend("topright", legend = acts, title = "action",
col = igraph::categorical_pal(length(acts)), pch = 15)
obs <- levels(factor(E(pg)$observation))
legend("bottomright", legend = obs, title = "observation",
col = igraph::categorical_pal(length(obs)), lty = 1)
## plot interactive graphs using the visNetwork library.
## Note: the pie chart representation is not available, but colors are used instead.
plot_policy_graph(sol, engine = "visNetwork")
## add smooth edges and a layout (note, engine can be abbreviated)
plot_policy_graph(sol, engine = "visNetwork", layout = "layout_in_circle", smooth = TRUE)
### Policy trees for finite-horizon solutions
sol <- solve_POMDP(model = Tiger, horizon = 4, method = "incprune")
# Note: the first number in the node id is the epoch.
# plot the policy tree for an initial belief of 90% that the tiger is to the left
plot_policy_graph(sol, belief = c(0.9, 0.1))
# Plotting a larger graph (see ? igraph.plotting for plotting options)
sol <- solve_POMDP(model = Tiger, horizon = 10, method = "incprune")
plot_policy_graph(sol, edge.arrow.size = .1,
vertex.label.cex = .5, edge.label.cex = .5)
plot_policy_graph(sol, engine = "visNetwork")
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab