# random sampling can be done in parallel after registering a backend.
# doparallel::registerDoParallel()
sample_belief_space(Tiger, n = 5)
sample_belief_space(Tiger, n = 5, method = "regular")
sample_belief_space(Tiger, n = 1, horizon = 5, method = "trajectories")
# sample, determine the optimal action and calculate the expected reward for a solved POMDP
# Note: check.names = FALSE is used to preserve the `-` for the state names in the dataframe.
sol <- solve_POMDP(Tiger)
samp <- sample_belief_space(sol, n = 5, method = "regular")
data.frame(samp, action = optimal_action(sol, belief = samp),
reward = reward(sol, belief = samp), check.names = FALSE)
# sample from a 3 state problem
sample_belief_space(Three_doors, n = 5)
sample_belief_space(Three_doors, n = 5, projection = c(`tiger-left` = .1))
if ("Ternary" %in% installed.packages()) {
sample_belief_space(Three_doors, n = 9, method = "regular")
sample_belief_space(Three_doors, n = 9, method = "regular", projection = c(`tiger-left` = .1))
sample_belief_space(Three_doors, n = 1, horizon = 5, method = "trajectories")
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