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pomdp (version 1.2.4)

simulate_POMDP: Simulate Trajectories Through a POMDP


Simulate trajectories through a POMDP. The start state for each trajectory is randomly chosen using the specified belief. The belief is used to choose actions from the the epsilon-greedy policy and then updated using observations.


  n = 1000,
  belief = NULL,
  horizon = NULL,
  epsilon = NULL,
  delta_horizon = 0.001,
  digits = 7L,
  return_beliefs = FALSE,
  return_trajectories = FALSE,
  engine = "cpp",
  verbose = FALSE,


A list with elements:

  • avg_reward: The average discounted reward.

  • action_cnt: Action counts.

  • state_cnt: State counts.

  • reward: Reward for each trajectory.

  • belief_states: A matrix with belief states as rows.

  • trajectories: A data.frame with the episode id, time, the state of the simulation (simulation_state), the id of the used alpha vector given the current belief (see belief_states above), the action a and the reward r.



a POMDP model.


number of trajectories.


probability distribution over the states for choosing the starting states for the trajectories. Defaults to the start belief state specified in the model or "uniform".


number of epochs for the simulation. If NULL then the horizon for finite-horizon model is used. For infinite-horizon problems, a horizon is calculated using the discount factor.


the probability of random actions for using an epsilon-greedy policy. Default for solved models is 0 and for unsolved model 1.


precision used to determine the horizon for infinite-horizon problems.


round probabilities for belief points.


logical; Return all visited belief states? This requires n x horizon memory.


logical; Return the simulated trajectories as a data.frame?


'cpp', 'r' to perform simulation using a faster C++ or a native R implementation.


report used parameters.


further arguments are ignored.


Michael Hahsler


Simulates n trajectories. If no simulation horizon is specified, the horizon of finite-horizon problems is used. For infinite-horizon problems with \(\gamma < 1\), the simulation horizon \(T\) is chosen such that the worst-case error is no more than \(\delta_\text{horizon}\). That is

$$\gamma^T \frac{R_\text{max}}{\gamma} \le \delta_\text{horizon},$$

where \(R_\text{max}\) is the largest possible absolute reward value used as a perpetuity starting after \(T\).

A native R implementation (engine = 'r') and a faster C++ implementation (engine = 'cpp') are available. Currently, only the R implementation supports multi-episode problems.

Both implementations support the simulation of trajectories in parallel using the package foreach. To enable parallel execution, a parallel backend like doparallel needs to be registered (see doParallel::registerDoParallel()). Note that small simulations are slower using parallelization. C++ simulations with n * horizon less than 100,000 are always executed using a single worker.

See Also

Other POMDP: MDP2POMDP, POMDP(), accessors, actions(), add_policy(), plot_belief_space(), projection(), reachable_and_absorbing, regret(), sample_belief_space(), solve_POMDP(), solve_SARSOP(), transition_graph(), update_belief(), value_function(), write_POMDP()


Run this code

# solve the POMDP for 5 epochs and no discounting
sol <- solve_POMDP(Tiger, horizon = 5, discount = 1, method = "enum")

# uncomment the following line to register a parallel backend for simulation 
# (needs package doparallel installed)

# doParallel::registerDoParallel()
# foreach::getDoParWorkers()

## Example 1: simulate 100 trajectories
sim <- simulate_POMDP(sol, n = 100, verbose = TRUE)

# calculate the percentage that each action is used in the simulation
round_stochastic(sim$action_cnt / sum(sim$action_cnt), 2)

# reward distribution

## Example 2: look at the belief states and the trajectories starting with 
#             an initial start belief.
sim <- simulate_POMDP(sol, n = 100, belief = c(.5, .5), 
  return_beliefs = TRUE, return_trajectories = TRUE)

# plot with added density (the x-axis is the probability of the second belief state)
plot_belief_space(sol, sample = sim$belief_states, jitter = 2, ylim = c(0, 6))
lines(density(sim$belief_states[, 2], bw = .02)); axis(2); title(ylab = "Density")

## Example 3: simulate trajectories for an unsolved POMDP which uses an epsilon of 1
#             (i.e., all actions are randomized). The simulation horizon for the 
#             infinite-horizon Tiger problem is calculated using delta_horizon. 
sim <- simulate_POMDP(Tiger, return_beliefs = TRUE, verbose = TRUE)

hist(sim$reward, breaks = 20)

plot_belief_space(sol, sample = sim$belief_states, jitter = 2, ylim = c(0, 6))
lines(density(sim$belief_states[, 1], bw = .05)); axis(2); title(ylab = "Density")

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