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pomdp (version 1.2.4)

solve_MDP: Solve an MDP Problem


Implementation of value iteration, modified policy iteration and other methods based on reinforcement learning techniques to solve finite state space MDPs.


solve_MDP(model, method = "value", ...)

solve_MDP_DP( model, method = "value_iteration", horizon = NULL, discount = NULL, N_max = 1000, error = 0.01, k_backups = 10, U = NULL, verbose = FALSE )

solve_MDP_TD( model, method = "q_learning", horizon = NULL, discount = NULL, alpha = 0.5, epsilon = 0.1, N = 100, U = NULL, verbose = FALSE )


solve_MDP() returns an object of class POMDP which is a list with the model specifications (model), the solution (solution). The solution is a list with the elements:

  • policy a list representing the policy graph. The list only has one element for converged solutions.

  • converged did the algorithm converge (NA) for finite-horizon problems.

  • delta final \(\delta\) (value iteration and infinite-horizon only)

  • iterations number of iterations to convergence (infinite-horizon only)



an MDP problem specification.


string; one of the following solution methods: 'value_iteration', 'policy_iteration', 'q_learning', 'sarsa', or 'expected_sarsa'.


further parameters are passed on to the solver function.


an integer with the number of epochs for problems with a finite planning horizon. If set to Inf, the algorithm continues running iterations till it converges to the infinite horizon solution. If NULL, then the horizon specified in model will be used.


discount factor in range \((0, 1]\). If NULL, then the discount factor specified in model will be used.


maximum number of iterations allowed to converge. If the maximum is reached then the non-converged solution is returned with a warning.


value iteration: maximum error allowed in the utility of any state (i.e., the maximum policy loss) used as the termination criterion.


policy iteration: number of look ahead steps used for approximate policy evaluation used by the policy iteration method.


a vector with initial utilities used for each state. If NULL, then the default of a vector of all 0s is used.


logical, if set to TRUE, the function provides the output of the solver in the R console.


step size in (0, 1].


used for \(\epsilon\)-greedy policies.


number of episodes used for learning.


Michael Hahsler


Implemented are the following dynamic programming methods (following Russell and Norvig, 2010):

  • Modified Policy Iteration starts with a random policy and iteratively performs a sequence of

    1. approximate policy evaluation (estimate the value function for the current policy using k_backups and function MDP_policy_evaluation()), and

    2. policy improvement (calculate a greedy policy given the value function). The algorithm stops when it converges to a stable policy (i.e., no changes between two iterations).

  • Value Iteration starts with an arbitrary value function (by default all 0s) and iteratively updates the value function for each state using the Bellman equation. The iterations are terminated either after N_max iterations or when the solution converges. Approximate convergence is achieved for discounted problems (with \(\gamma < 1\)) when the maximal value function change for any state \(\delta\) is \(\delta \le error (1-\gamma) / \gamma\). It can be shown that this means that no state value is more than \(error\) from the value in the optimal value function. For undiscounted problems, we use \(\delta \le error\).

    The greedy policy is calculated from the final value function. Value iteration can be seen as policy iteration with truncated policy evaluation.

Note that the policy converges earlier than the value function.

Implemented are the following temporal difference control methods described in Sutton and Barto (2020). Note that the MDP transition and reward models are only used to simulate the environment for these reinforcement learning methods. The algorithms use a step size parameter \(\alpha\) (learning rate) for the updates and the exploration parameter \(\epsilon\) for the \(\epsilon\)-greedy policy.

If the model has absorbing states to terminate episodes, then no maximal episode length (horizon) needs to be specified. To make sure that the algorithm does finish in a reasonable amount of time, episodes are stopped after 10,000 actions with a warning. For models without absorbing states, a episode length has to be specified via horizon.

  • Q-Learning is an off-policy temporal difference method that uses an \(\epsilon\)-greedy behavior policy and learns a greedy target policy.

  • Sarsa is an on-policy method that follows and learns an \(\epsilon\)-greedy policy. The final \(\epsilon\)-greedy policy is converted into a greedy policy.

  • Expected Sarsa: We implement an on-policy version that uses the expected value under the current policy for the update. It moves deterministically in the same direction as Sarsa moves in expectation. Because it uses the expectation, we can set the step size \(\alpha\) to large values and even 1.


Russell, S., Norvig, P. (2021). Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Fourth edition. Prentice Hall.

Sutton, R. S., Barto, A. G. (2020). Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction. Second edition. The MIT Press.

See Also

Other solver: solve_POMDP(), solve_SARSOP()

Other MDP: MDP(), MDP2POMDP, MDP_policy_functions, accessors, actions(), add_policy(), gridworld, reachable_and_absorbing, regret(), simulate_MDP(), transition_graph(), value_function()


Run this code

# use value iteration
maze_solved <- solve_MDP(Maze, method = "value_iteration")

# plot the value function U

# Maze solutions can be visualized

# use modified policy iteration
maze_solved <- solve_MDP(Maze, method = "policy_iteration")

# finite horizon
maze_solved <- solve_MDP(Maze, method = "value_iteration", horizon = 3)
gridworld_plot_policy(maze_solved, epoch = 1)
gridworld_plot_policy(maze_solved, epoch = 2)
gridworld_plot_policy(maze_solved, epoch = 3)

# create a random policy where action n is very likely and approximate
#  the value function. We change the discount factor to .9 for this.
Maze_discounted <- Maze
Maze_discounted$discount <- .9
pi <- random_MDP_policy(Maze_discounted, 
        prob = c(n = .7, e = .1, s = .1, w = 0.1))

# compare the utility function for the random policy with the function for the optimal
#  policy found by the solver.
maze_solved <- solve_MDP(Maze)

MDP_policy_evaluation(pi, Maze, k_backup = 100)
MDP_policy_evaluation(policy(maze_solved), Maze, k_backup = 100)

# Note that the solver already calculates the utility function and returns it with the policy

# Learn a Policy using Q-Learning
maze_learned <- solve_MDP(Maze, method = "q_learning", N = 100)


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