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pomdp (version 1.2.4)

solve_POMDP: Solve a POMDP Problem using pomdp-solver


This function utilizes the C implementation of 'pomdp-solve' by Cassandra (2015) to solve problems that are formulated as partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). The result is an optimal or approximately optimal policy.


  horizon = NULL,
  discount = NULL,
  initial_belief = NULL,
  terminal_values = NULL,
  method = "grid",
  digits = 7,
  parameter = NULL,
  timeout = Inf,
  verbose = FALSE



The solver returns an object of class POMDP which is a list with the model specifications. Solved POMDPs also have an element called solution which is a list, and the solver output (solver_output). The solution is a list that contains elements like:

  • method used solver method.

  • solver_output output of the solver program.

  • converged did the solution converge?

  • initial_belief used initial belief used.

  • total_expected_reward total expected reward starting from the the initial belief.

  • pg, initial_pg_node the policy graph (see Details section).

  • alpha value function as hyperplanes representing the nodes in the policy graph (see Details section).

  • belief_points_solver optional; belief points used by the solver.



a POMDP problem specification created with POMDP(). Alternatively, a POMDP file or the URL for a POMDP file can be specified.


an integer with the number of epochs for problems with a finite planning horizon. If set to Inf, the algorithm continues running iterations till it converges to the infinite horizon solution. If NULL, then the horizon specified in model will be used. For time-dependent POMDPs a vector of horizons can be specified (see Details section).


discount factor in range \([0, 1]\). If NULL, then the discount factor specified in model will be used.


An initial belief vector. If NULL, then the initial belief specified in model (as start) will be used.


a vector with the terminal utility values for each state or a matrix specifying the terminal rewards via a terminal value function (e.g., the alpha components produced by solve_POMDP()). If NULL, then, if available, the terminal values specified in model will be used or a vector with all 0s otherwise.


string; one of the following solution methods: "grid", "enum", "twopass", "witness", or "incprune". The default is "grid" implementing the finite grid method.


precision used when writing POMDP files (see write_POMDP()).


a list with parameters passed on to the pomdp-solve program.


number of seconds for the solver to run.


logical, if set to TRUE, the function provides the output of the pomdp solver in the R console.


Hossein Kamalzadeh, Michael Hahsler



solve_POMDP_parameter() displays available solver parameter options.

Horizon: Infinite-horizon POMDPs (horizon = Inf) converge to a single policy graph. Finite-horizon POMDPs result in a policy tree of a depth equal to the smaller of the horizon or the number of epochs to convergence. The policy (and the associated value function) are stored in a list by epoch. The policy for the first epoch is stored as the first element. Horizon can also be used to limit the number of epochs used for value iteration.

Precision: The POMDP solver uses various epsilon values to control precision for comparing alpha vectors to check for convergence, and solving LPs. Overall precision can be changed using parameter = list(epsilon = 1e-3).

Methods: Several algorithms using exact value iteration are available:

  • Enumeration (Sondik 1971).

  • Two pass (Sondik 1971).

  • Witness (Littman, Cassandra, Kaelbling, 1996).

  • Incremental pruning (Zhang and Liu, 1996, Cassandra et al 1997).

In addition, the following approximate value iteration method is available:

  • Grid implements a variation of point-based value iteration to solve larger POMDPs (PBVI; see Pineau 2003) without dynamic belief set expansion.

Details can be found in (Cassandra, 2015).

Note on POMDP problem size: Finding optimal policies for POMDPs is known to be a prohibitively difficult problem because the belief space grows exponentially with the number of states. Therefore, exact algorithms can be only used for extremely small problems with only a few states. Typically, the researcher needs to simplify the problem description (fewer states, actions and observations) and choose an approximate algorithm with an acceptable level of approximation to make the problem tractable.

Note on method grid: The finite grid method implements a version of Point Based Value Iteration (PBVI). The used belief points are created using points that are reachable from the initial belief (start) by following all combinations of actions and observations. The default size of the grid is by 10,000 and can be set via parameter = list(fg_points = 100). Alternatively, different strategies can be chosen to generate the belief points. using the parameter fg_type. In this implementation, the user can also manually specify a grid of belief points by providing a matrix with belief points as produced by sample_belief_space() as the parameter grid.

To guarantee convergence in point-based (finite grid) value iteration, the initial value function must be a lower bound on the optimal value function. If all rewards are strictly non-negative, an initial value function with an all-zero vector can be used, and results will be similar to other methods. However, if the model contains negative rewards, lower bounds can be only guaranteed by using an initial value function vector with the values \(min(reward)/(1 - discount)\). In this case, the value function is guaranteed to converge to the true value function in the infinite-horizon case, but finite-horizon value functions may not converge. solve_POMDP() produces a warning in this case. The correct value function can be obtained by using simulate_POMDP() or switching to a different method.

Time-dependent POMDPs: Time dependence of transition probabilities, observation probabilities and reward structure can be modeled by considering a set of episodes representing epochs with the same settings. In the scared tiger example (see Examples section), the tiger has the normal behavior for the first three epochs (episode 1) and then becomes scared with different transition probabilities for the next three epochs (episode 2). The episodes can be solved in reverse order where the value function is used as the terminal values of the preceding episode. This can be done by specifying a vector of horizons (one horizon for each episode) and then lists with transition matrices, observation matrices, and rewards. If the horizon vector has names, then the lists also need to be named, otherwise they have to be in the same order (the numeric index is used). Only the time-varying matrices need to be specified. An example can be found in Example 4 in the Examples section. The procedure can also be done by calling the solver multiple times (see Example 5).


Policy: Each policy is a data frame where each row representing a policy graph node with an associated optimal action and a list of node IDs to go to depending on the observation (specified as the column names). For the finite-horizon case, the observation specific node IDs refer to nodes in the next epoch creating a policy tree. Impossible observations have a NA as the next state.

Value function: The value function specifies the value of the value function (the expected reward) over the belief space. The dimensionality of the belief space is $n-1$ where $n$ is the number of states. The value function is stored as a matrix. Each row is associated with a node (row) in the policy graph and represents the coefficients (alpha or V vector) of a hyperplane. It contains one value per state which is the value for the belief state that has a probability of 1 for that state and 0s for all others.

Temporary Files

All temporary solver files are stored in the directory returned by tempdir().


Cassandra, A. (2015). pomdp-solve: POMDP Solver Software, http://www.pomdp.org.

Sondik, E. (1971). The Optimal Control of Partially Observable Markov Processes. Ph.D. Dissertation, Stanford University.

Cassandra, A., Littman M.L., Zhang L. (1997). Incremental Pruning: A Simple, Fast, Exact Algorithm for Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes. UAI'97: Proceedings of the Thirteenth conference on Uncertainty in artificial intelligence, August 1997, pp. 54-61.

Monahan, G. E. (1982). A survey of partially observable Markov decision processes: Theory, models, and algorithms. Management Science 28(1):1-16.

Littman, M. L.; Cassandra, A. R.; and Kaelbling, L. P. (1996). Efficient dynamic-programming updates in partially observable Markov decision processes. Technical Report CS-95-19, Brown University, Providence, RI.

Zhang, N. L., and Liu, W. (1996). Planning in stochastic domains: Problem characteristics and approximation. Technical Report HKUST-CS96-31, Department of Computer Science, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Pineau J., Geoffrey J Gordon G.J., Thrun S.B. (2003). Point-based value iteration: an anytime algorithm for POMDPs. IJCAI'03: Proceedings of the 18th international joint conference on Artificial Intelligence. Pages 1025-1030.

See Also

Other policy: estimate_belief_for_nodes(), optimal_action(), plot_belief_space(), plot_policy_graph(), policy(), policy_graph(), projection(), reward(), solve_SARSOP(), value_function()

Other solver: solve_MDP(), solve_SARSOP()

Other POMDP: MDP2POMDP, POMDP(), accessors, actions(), add_policy(), plot_belief_space(), projection(), reachable_and_absorbing, regret(), sample_belief_space(), simulate_POMDP(), solve_SARSOP(), transition_graph(), update_belief(), value_function(), write_POMDP()


Run this code
# display available solver options which can be passed on to pomdp-solve as parameters.

# Example 1: Solving the simple infinite-horizon Tiger problem

# look at the model as a list

# inspect an individual field of the model (e.g., the transition probabilities and the reward)

sol <- solve_POMDP(model = Tiger)

# look at the solution

# policy (value function (alpha vectors), optimal action and observation dependent transitions)

# plot the policy graph of the infinite-horizon POMDP

# value function
plot_value_function(sol, ylim = c(0,20))

# Example 2: Solve a problem specified as a POMDP file
#            using a grid of size 20
sol <- solve_POMDP("http://www.pomdp.org/examples/cheese.95.POMDP",
  method = "grid", parameter = list(fg_points = 20))


# Example 3: Solving a finite-horizon POMDP using the incremental
#            pruning method (without discounting)
sol <- solve_POMDP(model = Tiger,
  horizon = 3, discount = 1, method = "incprune")

# look at the policy tree
# note: only open the door in epoch 3 if you get twice the same observation.

# Expected reward starting for the models initial belief (uniform):
#   listen twice and then open the door or listen 3 times

# Expected reward for listen twice (-2) and then open-left (-1 + (-1) + 10 = 8)
reward(sol, belief = c(1,0))

# Expected reward for just opening the right door (10)
reward(sol, belief = c(1,0), epoch = 3)

# Expected reward for just opening the right door (0.5 * -100 + 0.95 * 10 = 4.5)
reward(sol, belief = c(.95,.05), epoch = 3)

# Example 3: Using terminal values (state-dependent utilities after the final epoch)
# Specify 1000 if the tiger is right after 3 (horizon) epochs
sol <- solve_POMDP(model = Tiger,
  horizon = 3, discount = 1,  method = "incprune",
  terminal_values = c(0, 1000))

# Note: The optimal strategy is to never open the left door. If we think the
#  Tiger is behind the right door, then we just wait for the final payout. If
#  we think the tiger might be behind the left door, then we open the right
#  door, are likely to get a small reward and the tiger has a chance of 50\% to
#  move behind the right door. The second episode is used to gather more
#  information for the more important #  final action.

# Example 4: Model time-dependent transition probabilities

# The tiger reacts normally for 3 epochs (goes randomly two one
# of the two doors when a door was opened). After 3 epochs he gets
# scared and when a door is opened then he always goes to the other door.

# specify the horizon for each of the two different episodes
Tiger_time_dependent <- Tiger
Tiger_time_dependent$name <- "Scared Tiger Problem"
Tiger_time_dependent$horizon <- c(normal_tiger = 3, scared_tiger = 3)
Tiger_time_dependent$transition_prob <- list(
  normal_tiger = list(
    "listen" = "identity",
    "open-left" = "uniform",
    "open-right" = "uniform"),
  scared_tiger = list(
    "listen" = "identity",
    "open-left" = rbind(c(0, 1), c(0, 1)),
    "open-right" = rbind(c(1, 0), c(1, 0))

# Tiger_time_dependent (a higher value for verbose will show more messages)

sol <- solve_POMDP(model = Tiger_time_dependent, discount = 1,
  method = "incprune", verbose = 1)


# note that the default method to estimate the belief for nodes is following a
#  trajectory which uses only the first belief reached for each node. Random sampling
#  can find a better estimate of the central belief of the segment (see nodes 4-1 to 6-3
#  in the plots below).
plot_policy_graph(sol, method = "random_sample")

# Example 5: Alternative method to solve time-dependent POMDPs

# 1) create the scared tiger model
Tiger_scared <- Tiger
Tiger_scared$transition_prob <- list(
    "listen" = "identity",
    "open-left" = rbind(c(0, 1), c(0, 1)),
    "open-right" = rbind(c(1, 0), c(1, 0))

# 2) Solve in reverse order. Scared tiger without terminal values first.
sol_scared <- solve_POMDP(model = Tiger_scared,
  horizon = 3, discount = 1,  method = "incprune")

# 3) Solve the regular tiger with the value function of the scared tiger as terminal values
sol <- solve_POMDP(model = Tiger,
  horizon = 3, discount = 1, method = "incprune",
  terminal_values = sol_scared$solution$alpha[[1]])
# Note: it is optimal to mostly listen till the Tiger gets in the scared mood. Only if
#  we are extremely sure in the first epoch, then opening a door is optimal.

# Example 6: PBVI with a custom grid

# Create a search grid by sampling from the belief space in
#   10 regular intervals
custom_grid <- sample_belief_space(Tiger, n = 10, method = "regular")

# Visualize the search grid
plot_belief_space(sol, sample = custom_grid)

# Solve the POMDP using the grid for approximation
sol <- solve_POMDP(Tiger, method = "grid", parameter = list(grid = custom_grid))

# note that plot_policy_graph() automatically remove nodes that are unreachable from the
#  initial node. This behavior can be switched off.
plot_policy_graph(sol, remove_unreachable_nodes = FALSE)

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