A <- hudsonia[[1]]
## NOTE fertilities are in first two rows, so use r=1:2 for splitting this matrix
## resample transitions 100 times each
resample(A, 100, r=1:2)
## set higher fvar in stage 4 and 6
## because there are two fertilities per stage (8 total), need to repeat values
resample(A,1000, fvar=c(1.5, 1.5, 3, 3), r=1:2)
## OR resample based on number of plants surveyed
# data from table 6.4 and box 7.3)
n <- c(4264,3, 30, 16, 24,5)
## create a list with 1000 resampled matrices
x <- lapply(1:1000, function(x) resample(A,n, r=1:2))
## use var2 to check variances, especially if using differnt fvar values
## growth rates
y <- sapply(x, lambda)
quantile( y, c(0.025, .975) )
hist(y, br=30, col="palegreen", xlab="Lambda", main="1985 Hudsonia growth rates")
abline(v=quantile(y, c(0.025, .975)), lty=3)
## double the sample size (and quadruple seedlings) and you may be able to detect a decline
n <- n * 2
n[2] <- n[2] * 2
x <- lapply(1:1000, function(x) resample(A, n * 2, r=1:2))
quantile( sapply(x, lambda), c(0.025, .975) )
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