Pram_psex <- psex(Pram, by_pop = FALSE)
plot(Pram_psex, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of second encounter")
# }
# With multiple encounters
Pram_psex <- psex(Pram, by_pop = FALSE, method = "multiple")
plot(Pram_psex, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of multiple encounters")
# This can be also done assuming populations structure
Pram_psex <- psex(Pram, by_pop = TRUE, method = "multiple")
plot(Pram_psex, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of multiple encounters\nwith pop structure")
# The above, but correcting zero-value alleles by 1/(2*rrmlg) with no
# population structure assumed
# Type ?rare_allele_correction for details.
Pram_psex2 <- psex(Pram, by_pop = FALSE, d = "rrmlg", mul = 1/2, method = "multiple")
plot(Pram_psex2, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex2 > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of multiple encounters\nwith pop structure (1/(2*rrmlg))")
# We can also set G to the total population size
(G <- nInd(Pram))
Pram_psex <- psex(Pram, by_pop = TRUE, method = "multiple", G = G)
plot(Pram_psex, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of multiple encounters\nwith pop structure G = 729")
# Or we can set G to the number of unique MLGs
(G <- rowSums(mlg.table(Pram, plot = FALSE) > 0))
Pram_psex <- psex(Pram, by_pop = TRUE, method = "multiple", G = G)
plot(Pram_psex, log = "y", col = ifelse(Pram_psex > 0.05, "red", "blue"))
abline(h = 0.05, lty = 2)
title("Probability of multiple encounters\nwith pop structure G = nmll")
## An example of supplying previously calculated frequencies and G
# From Parks and Werth, 1993, using the first three genotypes.
# The row names indicate the number of samples found with that genotype
x <- "
Hk Lap Mdh2 Pgm1 Pgm2 X6Pgd2
54 12 12 12 23 22 11
36 22 22 11 22 33 11
10 23 22 11 33 13 13"
# Since we aren't representing the whole data set here, we are defining the
# allele frequencies before the analysis.
afreq <- c(Hk.1 = 0.167, Hk.2 = 0.795, Hk.3 = 0.038,
Lap.1 = 0.190, Lap.2 = 0.798, Lap.3 = 0.012,
Mdh2.0 = 0.011, Mdh2.1 = 0.967, Mdh2.2 = 0.022,
Pgm1.2 = 0.279, Pgm1.3 = 0.529, Pgm1.4 = 0.162, Pgm1.5 = 0.029,
Pgm2.1 = 0.128, Pgm2.2 = 0.385, Pgm2.3 = 0.487,
X6Pgd2.1 = 0.526, X6Pgd2.2 = 0.051, X6Pgd2.3 = 0.423)
xtab <- read.table(text = x, header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
# Here we are expanding the number of samples to their observed values.
# Since we have already defined the allele frequencies, this step is actually
# not necessary.
all_samples <- rep(rownames(xtab), as.integer(rownames(xtab)))
xgid <- df2genind(xtab[all_samples, ], ncode = 1)
freqs <- afreq[colnames(tab(xgid))] # only used alleles in the sample
pSex <- psex(xgid, by_pop = FALSE, freq = freqs, G = 45)
# Note, pgen returns log values for each locus, here we take the sum across
# all loci and take the exponent to give us the value of pgen for each sample
pGen <- exp(rowSums(pgen(xgid, by_pop = FALSE, freq = freqs)))
res <- matrix(c(unique(pGen), unique(pSex)), ncol = 2)
colnames(res) <- c("Pgen", "Psex")
res <- cbind(xtab, nRamet = rownames(xtab), round(res, 5))
rownames(res) <- 1:3
res # Compare to the first three rows of Table 2 in Parks & Werth, 1993
# }
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab