nan9 <- popsub(nancycats, 9)
# Generate a tree using nei's distance
neinan <- aboot(nan9, dist = nei.dist)
# Generate a tree using custom distance
bindist <- function(x) dist(tab(x), method = "binary")
binnan <- aboot(nan9, dist = bindist)
if (FALSE) {
# Distances from other packages.
# Sometimes, distance functions from other packages will have the constraint
# that the incoming data MUST be genind. Internally, aboot uses the
# bootgen class ( class?bootgen ) to shuffle loci, and will throw an error
# The function bootgen2genind helps fix that. Here's an example of a function
# that expects a genind class from above
bindist <- function(x){
dist(tab(x), method = "binary")
# Fails:
# aboot(nan9, dist = bindist)
## Error: is.genind(x) is not TRUE
# Add bootgen2genind to get it working!
# Works:
aboot(nan9, dist = function(x) bootgen2genind(x) %>% bindist)
# AFLP data
# Nei's distance
anei <- aboot(Aeut, dist = nei.dist, sample = 1000, cutoff = 50)
# Rogers' distance
arog <- aboot(Aeut, dist = rogers.dist, sample = 1000, cutoff = 50)
# This can also be run on genpop objects
strata(Aeut) <- other(Aeut)$population_hierarchy[-1]
Aeut.gc <- as.genclone(Aeut)
setPop(Aeut.gc) <- ~Pop/Subpop
Aeut.pop <- genind2genpop(Aeut.gc)
aboot(Aeut.pop, sample = 1000) # compare to Grunwald et al. 2006
# You can also use the strata argument to convert to genpop inside the function.
aboot(Aeut.gc, strata = ~Pop/Subpop, sample = 1000)
# And genlight objects
# From glSim:
## 1,000 non structured SNPs, 100 structured SNPs
x <- glSim(100, 1e3, n.snp.struc=100, ploid=2)
aboot(x, distance = bitwise.dist)
# Utilizing other tree methods
aboot(Aeut.pop, tree = fastme.bal, sample = 1000)
# Utilizing options in other tree methods
myFastME <- function(x) fastme.bal(x, nni = TRUE, spr = FALSE, tbr = TRUE)
aboot(Aeut.pop, tree = myFastME, sample = 1000)
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