if (FALSE) {
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#### Portmanteau Tests ####
#### ####
## Monte-Carlo (MC) and asymptotic tests for randomness series ##
returns <- log(DEXCAUS[-1]/DEXCAUS[-length(DEXCAUS)])
portest(returns) ## MC using one CPU takes about 24.16 seconds
portest(returns, ncores=4) ## MC using 4 CPUs takes about 9.51 seconds
portest(returns, MonteCarlo=FALSE) ## asymptotic MahdiMcLeod
portest(returns,test="LjungBox", MonteCarlo=FALSE) ## asymptotic LjungBox
## Monte-Carlo goodness-of-fit arima test using 4 CPUs ##
## arima() function takes about 11.32 seconds
## Example 1
ans1 <- arima(WWWusage,fitdf=c(3,1,0))
portest(ans1, ncores = 4)
## arima0() function takes about 11.1 seconds
## Example 2
ans2 <- arima0(WWWusage,fitdf=c(3,1,0))
portest(ans2, ncores = 4)
## Arima() or auto.arima() functions from forecast package take about 12.1 seconds
## Example 3
ans3 <- Arima(WWWusage,fitdf=c(3,1,0))
portest(ans3, ncores = 4)
## ar() function takes about 7.39 seconds
## Example 4
ans4 <- ar(Nile,fitdf.max=2)
portest(ans4, ncores = 4)
## ar() function with your own R code takes about 8.75 seconds
## Example 5
fit.model <- function(data){
fit <- ar(data,aic = FALSE, fitdf.max=2)
fitdf <- 2
res <- ts(fit$resid[-(1:fitdf)])
phi <- fit$ar
theta <- NULL
sigma <- fit$var.pred
demean <- fit$x.mean
sim.model <- function(parSpec){
res <- parSpec$res
n <- length(res)
innov <- function(n) ts(stats::rnorm(n, mean = demean, sd = sqrt(sigma)))
phi <- parSpec$phi
theta <- parSpec$theta
sigma <- parSpec$sigma
demean <- parSpec$demean
arima.sim(n = n, list(ar = phi, ma = theta), rand.gen=innov)
ans5 <- fit.model(Nile)
## Monte-Carlo test for seasonality ##
## Accidental Deaths in the US 1973 - 1978
seasonal.arima<-Arima(USAccDeaths,fitdf=c(0,1,1),seasonal=list(fitdf= c(0,1,1)))
## Quarterly U.K. economic time series from 1957 Q3 to 1967 Q4
cd <- EconomicUK[,1]
cd.fit <- Arima(cd,fitdf=c(0,1,0),seasonal=list(fitdf=c(0,1,1),period=4))
portest(cd.fit, lags = c(5,10),ncores=4)
## Monte-Carlo test for linear models and time series regression ##
## Linear Model
fit <- lm(fconvict ~ tfr + partic + degrees + mconvict, data=Hartnagel)
portest(fit,lags=1:3,ncores=4) ## MC of MahdiMcLeod test
## MC of generalized Durbin-Watson test needs the argument function fn() as follows
fn <- function(obj,lags){
test.stat <- numeric(length(lags))
for (i in 1:length(lags))
test.stat[i] <- -sum(diff(obj,lag=lags[i])^2)/sum(obj^2)
## Time series regression
fit.arima <- Arima(LakeHuron, fitdf = c(2,0,0), xreg = time(LakeHuron)-1920)
## Monte-Carlo goodness-of-fit VAR test - Multivariate series ##
ibm <- log(IbmSp500[,2]+1)*100
sp500 <- log(IbmSp500[,3]+1)*100
IBMSP500 <- data.frame(cbind(ibm,sp500))
## ar.ols() function takes about 9.11 seconds
ans6 <- ar.ols(IBMSP500, aic=FALSE, intercept=TRUE, fitdf.max=5)
## VAR() function takes about 11.55 seconds
ans7 <- VAR(IBMSP500, p=5)
portest(ans7,test="Hosking",MonteCarlo=FALSE) ## asymptotic Hosking test
## Monte-Carlo test for ARCH/GARCH effects using 4 CPUs ##
## It takes about 12.65 seconds
returns <- as.ts(monthintel)
lags <- c(5, 10, 20, 40)
portest(returns, lags = lags, ncores = 4, sqrd.res = FALSE)
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