Emulate the Matlab backslash operator ``\'' through QR decomposition.
mldivide(A, B)
mrdivide(A, B)
A, B
Numerical or complex matrices; A and B must have the same
number of rows (for mldivide) or the same number of columns
(for mrdivide)
If A is an n-by-p matrix and B n-by-q, then the result of
mldivide(A, B) is a p-by-q matrix (mldivide).
mldivide performs matrix left division (and mrdivide matrix
right division). If A is scalar it performs element-wise division.
If A is square, mldivide is roughly the same as
inv(A) %*% B except it is computed in a different way ---
using QR decomposition.
If A is not square, x <- mldivide(A, b) returnes a
least-squares solution that minimizes the length of the vector
A %*% x - b (which is equivalent to norm(A %*% x - b, "F").