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invlap: Inverse Laplacian


Numerical inversion of Laplace transforms.


invlap(Fs, t1, t2, nnt, a = 6, ns = 20, nd = 19)


function representing the function to be inverse-transformed.
t1, t2
end points of the interval.
number of grid points between t1 and t2.
shift parameter; it is recommended to preserve value 6.
ns, nd
further parameters, increasing them leads to lower error.


  • Returns a list with components x the x-coordinates and y the y-coordinates representing the original function in the interval [t1,t2].


The transform Fs may be any reasonable function of a variable s^a, where a is a real exponent. Thus, the function invlap can solve fractional problems and invert functions Fs containing (ir)rational or transcendental expressions.


J. Valsa and L. Brancik (1998). Approximate Formulae for Numerical Inversion of Laplace Transforms. Intern. Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, Vol. 11, (1998), pp. 153-166.

L.N.Trefethen, J.A.C.Weideman, and T.Schmelzer (2006). Talbot quadratures and rational approximations. BIT. Numerical Mathematics, 46(3):653--670.


Run this code
Fs <- function(s) 1/(s^2 + 1)           # sine function
Li <- invlap(Fs, 0, 2*pi, 100)

plot(Li[[1]], Li[[2]], type = "l", col = "blue"); grid()

Fs <- function(s) tanh(s)/s             # step function
L1 <- invlap(Fs, 0.01, 20, 1000)
plot(L1[[1]], L1[[2]], type = "l", col = "blue")
L2 <- invlap(Fs, 0.01, 20, 2000, 6, 280, 59)
lines(L2[[1]], L2[[2]], col="darkred"); grid()

Fs <- function(s) 1/(sqrt(s)*s)
L1 <- invlap(Fs, 0.01, 5, 200, 6, 40, 20)
plot(L1[[1]], L1[[2]], type = "l", col = "blue"); grid()

Fs <- function(s) 1/(s^2 - 1)           # hyperbolic sine function
Li <- invlap(Fs, 0, 2*pi, 100)
plot(Li[[1]], Li[[2]], type = "l", col = "blue"); grid()

Fs <- function(s) 1/s/(s + 1)           # exponential approach
Li <- invlap(Fs, 0, 2*pi, 100)
plot(Li[[1]], Li[[2]], type = "l", col = "blue"); grid()

gamma <- 0.577215664901532              # Euler-Mascheroni constant
Fs <- function(s) -1/s * (log(s)+gamma) # natural logarithm
Li <- invlap(Fs, 0, 2*pi, 100)
plot(Li[[1]], Li[[2]], type = "l", col = "blue"); grid()

Fs <- function(s) (20.5+3.7343*s^1.15)/(21.5+3.7343*s^1.15+0.8*s^2.2+0.5*s^0.9)/s
L1 <- invlap(Fs, 0.01, 5, 200, 6, 40, 20)
plot(L1[[1]], L1[[2]], type = "l", col = "blue")

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