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muller: Muller's Method


Muller's root finding method, similar to the secant method, using a parabola through three points for approximating the curve.


muller(f, p0, p1, p2 = NULL, maxiter = 100, tol = 1e-10)


function whose root is to be found; function needs to be defined on the complex plain.
p0, p1, p2
three starting points, should enclose the assumed root.
relative tolerance, change in successive iterates.
maximum number of iterations.


  • List of root, fval, niter, and reltol.


Generalizes the secant method by using parabolic interpolation between three points. This technique can be used for any root-finding problem, but is particularly useful for approximating the roots of polynomials, and for finding zeros of analytic functions in the complex plane.


Pseudo- and C code available from the `Numerical Recipes'; pseudocode in the book `Numerical Analysis' by Burden and Faires (2011).

See Also

secant, newtonRaphson, newtonsys


Run this code
muller(function(x) x^10 - 0.5, 0, 1)  # root: 0.9330329915368074

f <- function(x) x^4 - 3*x^3 + x^2 + x + 1
p0 <- 0.5; p1 <- -0.5; p2 <- 0.0
muller(f, p0, p1, p2)
## $root
## [1] -0.3390928-0.4466301i
## ...

##  Roots of complex functions:
fz <- function(z) sin(z)^2 + sqrt(z) - log(z)
muller(fz, 1, 1i, 1+1i)
## $root
## [1] 0.2555197+0.8948303i
## $fval
## [1] -4.440892e-16+0i
## $niter
## [1] 8
## $reltol
## [1] 3.656219e-13

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