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pracma (version 1.9.3)

cubicspline: Interpolating Cubic Spline


Computes the natural interpolation cubic spline.


cubicspline(x, y, xi = NULL, endp2nd = FALSE, der = c(0, 0))


x, y
x- and y-coordinates of points to be interpolated.
x-coordinates of points at which the interpolation is to be performed.
logical; if true, the derivatives at the endpoints are prescribed by der.
a two-components vector prescribing derivatives at endpoints.


Returns either the interpolated values at the points xi or, if is.null(xi), the piecewise polynomial that represents the spline.


cubicspline computes the values at xi of the natural interpolating cubic spline that interpolate the values y at the nodes x. The derivatives at the endpoints can be prescribed.


Quarteroni, Q., and F. Saleri (2006). Scientific Computing with Matlab and Octave. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

See Also



Run this code
##  Example: Average temperatures at different latitudes
x <- seq(-55, 65, by = 10)
y <- c(-3.25, -3.37, -3.35, -3.20, -3.12, -3.02, -3.02,
       -3.07, -3.17, -3.32, -3.30, -3.22, -3.10)
xs <- seq(-60, 70, by = 1)

# Generate a function for this
pp <- cubicspline(x, y)
ppfun <- function(xs) ppval(pp, xs)

## Not run: 
# # Plot with and without endpoint correction
# plot(x, y, col = "darkblue",
#            xlim = c(-60, 70), ylim = c(-3.5, -2.8),
#            xlab = "Latitude", ylab = "Temp. Difference",
#            main = "Earth Temperatures per Latitude")
# lines(spline(x, y), col = "darkgray")
# grid()
# ys <- cubicspline(x, y, xs, endp2nd = TRUE)     # der = 0 at endpoints
# lines(xs, ys, col = "red")
# ys <- cubicspline(x, y, xs)                     # no endpoint condition
# lines(xs, ys, col = "darkred")
# ## End(Not run)

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