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pracma (version 1.9.3)

nile: Nile overflow data


Nile overflow data 1871--1984, gathered mostly by H. E. Hurst.





A data frame with 114 years of observations during the months Jan to Dec.


Monthly flow data taken at the Dongola measurement station just upstream from the high dam at Aswan.


R. Weron (2001). Estimating long range dependence: finite sample properties and confidence intervals. arXiv.org:cond-mat0103510.pdf .


Run this code
data(nile)                      # loads "nile" data frame
## Not run: 
# nile_dt <- nile[, 2:13]         # erase the "years" column
# # plot all years in one figure
# plot(ts(nile_dt), plot.type="single")
# # merge all years in one time series
# nile_ts <- ts( c(t(nile[, 2:13])), frequency = 12, start = c(1871, 1) )
# # aggregated flow per year
# nile_flow <- apply(nile_dt, 1, sum)
# plot(ts(nile_flow, frequency = 1, start = 1871) / 1000,
#      col = "darkblue", lwd = 2.0,
#      main = "Nile flows 1871 - 1984", ylab = "Flow / 1000")
# grid()
# # Hurst exponent of yearly Nile flow
# hurstexp(nile_flow)
# # Simple R/S Hurst estimation:         0.7348662 
# # Corrected R over S Hurst exponent:   1.041862 
# # Empirical Hurst exponent:            0.6975531 
# # Corrected empirical Hurst exponent:  0.7136607 
# # Theoretical Hurst exponent:          0.5244148 
# ## End(Not run)

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