A list containing the following components:
layoutThe layout method to use: One of "dot"
, and "twopi"
scorecharacter string specifying whether to use total time
or self time for coloring nodes/edges; no color used if
transferfunction; maps score values in unit interval to unit
nodeColorMap,edgeColorMapcharacter vectors of color
specifications as produced by rainbow
; transfer
score is mapped to color
mergeCycleslogical; whether to merge each cycle of recursion into
a single node
edgesColoredlogical; whether to color edges
rankDirThe direction that the plot is laid out in, one of
either "TB"
for Top-to-Bottom or "LR"
Left-to-Right. The default value is "LR"
. This
argument is only useful for dot
nodeDetails,edgeDetailslogical; whether count information
should be shown.
nodeSizeScorecharacter; value to encode in the size of the nodes.
edgeSizeScorecharacter; value to encode in the width of the edges.
shapecharacter; node shape.
maxnodesinteger; maximal number of nodes to use; nodes with
lower total hit counts are dropped.
total.pctnumeric; if positive, nodes with hit percentages
below this level are dropped.