wav <- as.numeric(colnames(NIRsoil$spc))
# Plot 10 first spectra
matplot(wav, t(NIRsoil$spc[1:10, ]),
type = "l", xlab = "Wavelength /nm",
ylab = "Absorbance"
# ASTER SWIR bands (nm)
new_wav <- c(1650, 2165, 2205, 2260, 2330, 2395) # positions
fwhm <- c(100, 40, 40, 50, 70, 70) # fwhm's
# Resample NIRsoil to ASTER band positions
aster <- resample2(NIRsoil$spc, wav, new_wav, fwhm)
matpoints(as.numeric(colnames(aster)), t(aster[1:10, ]), pch = 1:5)
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