Corrects steps in an input spectral matrix by linear interpolation of the values of the edges of the middle sensor
spliceCorrection(X, wav, splice = c(1000, 1830), interpol.bands = 10)
a matrix with the splice corrected data.
a numeric matrix or vector to transform (optionally a data frame that can be coerced to a numerical matrix).
a numeric vector with band positions.
a numeric vector of length 1 or 2 with the positions of the
splice(s). Default:
c(1000, 1830)
(as for the ASD FieldSpec Pro spectrometer of Malvern
Panalytical). See details.
the number of interpolation bands.
Antoine Stevens and Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez
This function uses by default the positions for the ASD FieldSpec Pro spectroradiometer (Malvern Panalytical) which usually exhibit steps at the splice of the three built-in detectors, positioned at 1000 nm (end of VNIR detector) and 1830 nm (end of SWIR1 detector). The data corresponding to the spectral region after the first step is used as reference for correcting the first region and the laste region (if 2 steps are supplied). Other typical examples of splice artifacts caused by concatenating data captured by different detectors inside the spectrometer:
XDS (FOSS): 1100 nm
ProxiMate (BUCHI Labortechnik): 900 nm