Learn R Programming

pryr (version 0.1.4)

subs: A version of substitute that works in the global environment.


This version of substitute is more suited for interactive exploration because it will perform substitution in the global environment: the regular version has a special case for the global environment where it effectively works like quote


subs(x, env = parent.frame())



a quoted call


an environment, or something that behaves like an environment (like a list or data frame), or a reference to an environment (like a positive integer or name, see as.environment for more details)

Substitution rules

Formally, substitution takes place by examining each name in the expression. If the name refers to:

  • an ordinary variable, it's replaced by the value of the variable.

  • a promise, it's replaced by the expression associated with the promise.

  • ..., it's replaced by the contents of ...


Run this code
a <- 1
b <- 2

substitute(a + b)
subs(a + b)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab