keys <- matrix(c(1,1,1,0,0,0,0,
colnames(keys) <- c("first","second")
r.mat <- cor(attitude)
# first second
#first 1.0 0.6
#second 0.6 1.0
# first second
# 2.57 3.01
# first second
#first 0.82 0.77
#second 0.60 0.74
# first second
# 3 4
## The function is currently defined as
function(keys,r.mat,correct=TRUE) { #function to extract clusters according to the key vector
#default is to correct for attenuation and show this above the diagonal
#find the correlation matrix of scales made up of items defined in a keys matrix
#(e.g., extracted by factor2cluster)
#takes as input the keys matrix as well as a correlation matrix of all the items
if(!is.matrix(keys)) keys <- as.matrix(keys)
#keys are sometimes a data frame - must be a matrix
covar <- t(keys) %*% r.mat %*% keys #matrix algebra is our friend
var <- diag(covar)
sd.inv <- 1/sqrt(var) <- diag(sd.inv,ncol = length(sd.inv))
cluster.correl <- %*% covar %*%
key.var <- diag(t(keys) %*% keys)
key.alpha <- ((var-key.var)/var)*(key.var/(key.var-1))
key.alpha[is.nan(key.alpha)] <- 1 #if only 1 variable to the cluster, then alpha is undefined
key.alpha[!is.finite(key.alpha)] <- 1
colnames(cluster.correl) <- names(key.alpha)
rownames(cluster.correl) <- names(key.alpha)
if (correct) {cluster.corrected <- correct.cor(cluster.correl,t(key.alpha))
return(list(cor=cluster.correl,sd=sqrt(var),corrected= cluster.corrected,size=key.var))
} #correct for attenuation
else {
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