# attitude from the datasets package
#example 1 is a rather clunky way of doing things
a1 <- attitude[,c(1:3)]
a2 <- attitude[,c(4:7)]
x1 <- rowSums(a1) #find the sum of the first 3 attitudes
x2 <- rowSums(a2) #find the sum of the last 4 attitudes
alpha1 <- alpha.scale(x1,a1)
alpha2 <- alpha.scale(x2,a2)
x <- matrix(c(x1,x2),ncol=2)
x.cor <- cor(x)
alpha <- c(alpha1,alpha2)
#much better - although uses standardized alpha
clusters <- matrix(c(rep(1,3),rep(0,7),rep(1,4)),ncol=2)
# or
clusters <- matrix(c(rep(1,3),rep(0,7),rep(1,4)),ncol=2)
## The function is currently defined as
"correct.cor" <-
function(x,y) { n=dim(x)[1]
{ diag(x) <- y
if (n> 1) {
for (i in 2:n) {
for (j in 1:k) {
x[j,i] <- x[j,i]/sqrt(y[i]*y[j]) } #fix the upper triangular part of the matrix
return(x) }}
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