#using the Harmon 24 mental tests, compare a principal factor with a principal components solution
pc <- principal(Harman74.cor$cov,4,rotate=TRUE)
pa <- factor.pa(Harman74.cor$cov,4,rotate="varimax")
#then compare with a maximum likelihood solution using factanal
mle <- factanal(x,4,covmat=Harman74.cor$cov)
#note that the order of factors and the sign of some of factors differ
## The function is currently defined as
"factor.pa" <-
function(r,nfactors,residuals=FALSE,rotate="varimax",min.err = .001,digits=2,max.iter=50) {
n <- dim(r)[1]
if (n!=dim(r)[2]) r <- cor(r,use="pairwise") # if given a rectangular matrix, the find the correlations first
if (!residuals) { result <- list(values=c(rep(0,n)),loadings=matrix(rep(0,n*n),ncol=n),fit=0)} else { result <- list(values=c(rep(0,n)),loadings=matrix(rep(0,n*n),ncol=n),residual=matrix(rep(0,n*n),ncol=n),fit=0)}
orig <- diag(r)
r.mat <- r
comm <- sum(diag(r.mat))
err <- comm
i <- 1
comm.list <- list()
while(err > min.err) #iteratively replace the diagonal with our revised communality estimate
eigens <- eigen(r.mat)
loadings <- eigen.loadings(eigens)[,1:nfactors]
model <- loadings %*% t(loadings)
new <- diag(loadings %*% t(loadings))
comm1 <- sum(new)
diag(r.mat) <- new
err <- abs(comm-comm1)
comm <- comm1
comm.list[[i]] <- comm1
i <- i + 1
if(i > max.iter) {warning("maximum iteration exceeded")
err <-0 }
#make each vector signed so that the maximum loading is positive
if (nfactors >1) {
maxabs <- apply(apply(loadings,2,abs),2,which.max)
sign.max <- vector(mode="numeric",length=nfactors)
for (i in 1: nfactors) {sign.max[i] <- sign(loadings[maxabs[i],i])}
loadings <- loadings %*% diag(sign.max)
} else {
mini <- min(loadings)
maxi <- max(loadings)
if (abs(mini) > maxi) {loadings <- -loadings }
loadings <- as.matrix(loadings)
} #sign of largest loading is positive
colnames(loadings) <- paste("PA",1:nfactors,sep='')
rownames(loadings) <- rownames(r)
if(rotate != "none") {if (nfactors ==1) {warning("Must have at least two factors to rotate")} else {
if (rotate=="varimax") {
loadings <- varimax(loadings)$loadings } else {
if (rotate=="promax") {loadings <- promax(loadings)$loadings }
if(nfactors<1) nfactors <- n
residual<- r - loadings %*% t(loadings)
r2 <- sum(r*r)
rstar2 <- sum(residual*residual)
if (residuals) {result$residual <- round(residual,digits)}
r2.off <- r
diag(r2.off) <- 0
r2.off <- sum(r2.off^2)
diag(residual) <- 0
rstar.off <- sum(residual^2)
result$fit <- round(1-rstar2/r2,digits)
result$fitoff <- round(1-rstar.off/r2.off,digits)
result$values <- round(eigens$values,digits)
result$loadings <- round(loadings,digits)
result$communality <- round(unlist(comm.list),digits)
return(result) }
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