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psych (version 1.0-17)

polychor.matrix: Actually, what does this do? Convert a matrix of phi coefficients to a matrix of polycoric correlations


Given a vector of a vector of frequencies, use John Fox's polycor function to convert these to polychoric correlations.

Not ready for public consumption.


polychor.matrix(x, y = NULL)


a matrix of phi coefficients


  • ~Describe the value returned If it is a LIST, use
  • comp1Description of 'comp1'
  • comp2Description of 'comp2'
  • ...


This is a stub of a function to convert a matrix of phi coefficients with an accompanying vector of frequencies into polychoric correlations. Clearly it is not there yet, but is included in the package as a stopgap.

Please do not use.


Run this code
##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.

## The function is currently defined as
function(x,y=NULL) {
 sizex <- dim(x)[2]
if (((is.data.frame(y))|(is.matrix(y))))  sizey<-dim(y)[2] 
   else  sizey <- dim(x)[2]
 result<-matrix(1,nrow=sizey,ncol=sizex)   #create the output array

 xnames<- names(x)
 colnames(result)<- names(x)

if (((is.data.frame(y))|(is.matrix(y))))  rownames(result) <- names(y)
    else  rownames(result) <- names(x)
if (!((is.data.frame(y))|(is.matrix(y)))) {     #default case returns a square matrix
   for (i in 2: sizex ) {
     for (j in 1:( i-1)) {
      result[j,i]<-polychor(table(x[,j],x[,i]) )
       result[i,j] <- result[j,i]
     else {                   #if y is input, then return the rectangular array
        for (i in 1: sizex ) {
            for (j in 1:sizey) {
                 result[j,i]<-polychor(table(x[,i],y[,j]) )
                } }
   return (result) }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab