schmid(model, nfactors = 3, fm = "minres",digits=2,rotate="oblimin",n.obs=NA,option="equal",...)
A typical example would be in the study of anxiety and depression. A general neuroticism factor (g) accounts for much of the variance, but smaller group factors of tense anxiety, panic disorder, depression, etc. also need to be considerd.
An alternative model is to consider hierarchical cluster analysis techniques such as ICLUST
Requires the GPArotation package.
Although 3 factors are the minimum number necessary to define the solution uniquely, it is occasionally useful to allow for a two factor solution. There are three possible options for this condition: setting the general factor loadings between the two lower order factors to be "equal" which will be the sqrt(oblique correlations between the factors) or to "first" or "second" in which case the general factor is equated with either the first or second group factor. A message is issued suggesting that the model is not really well defined.
, omega.graph
, fa.graph
jen <- sim.hierarchical() #create a hierarchical demo
if(!require(GPA.rotation)) {message("I am sorry, you must have GPArotation installed to use schmid.")} else {jen <- schmid(jen,digits=2) #use the oblimin rotation
p.jen <- schmid(jen,rotate="promax") #use the promax rotation
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