for a convenient way to make the keys file. If the input is a square matrix, then it is assumed that the input is a covariance or correlation matix and scores are not found, but the item statistics are reported.score.items(keys, items, totals = FALSE, ilabels = NULL, missing = TRUE,impute="median", min = NULL, max = NULL, digits = 2,short=FALSE)
Various estimates of scale reliability include ``Cronbach's alpha", Guttman's Lambda 6, and the average interitem correlation. For k = number of items in a scale, and av.r = average correlation between items in the scale, alpha = k * av.r/(1+ (k-1)*av.r). Thus, alpha is an increasing function of test length as well as the test homeogeneity.
Alpha is a poor estimate of the general factor saturation of a test (see Zinbarg et al., 2005) for it can seriously overestimate the size of a general factor, and a better but not perfect estimate of total test reliability because it underestimates total reliability. None the less, it is a useful statistic to report. To estimate the omega cofficient, use the omega
Correlations between scales are attenuated by a lack of reliability. Correcting correlations for reliability (by dividing by the square roots of the reliabilities of each scale) sometimes help show structure.
By default, missing values are replaced with the corresponding median value for that item. Means can be used instead (impute="mean"), or subjects with missing data can just be dropped (missing = FALSE).
for a convenient way to create the keys file, score.multiple.choice
for multiple choice items,
, correct.cor
, cluster.cor
, cluster.loadings
, omega
for item/scale analysis#see the example including the bfi data set
keys.list <- list(agree=c(-1,2:5),conscientious=c(6:8,-9,-10),extraversion=c(-11,-12,13:15),neuroticism=c(16:20),openness = c(21,-22,23,24,-25))
keys <- make.keys(25,keys.list,item.labels=colnames(bfi))
scores <- score.items(keys,bfi)
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