#lmer set to FALSE for speed.
#set lmer to TRUE to get variance components
sai.xray <- subset(psychTools::sai,psychTools::sai$study=="XRAY")
#The case where the two measures are identified by time
#automatically reverses items but throws a warning
stability <- testRetest(sai.xray[-c(1,3)],lmer=FALSE)
stability #show the results
#get a second data set
sai.xray1 <- subset(sai.xray,sai.xray$time==1)
msq.xray <- subset(psychTools::msqR,
(psychTools::msqR$study=="XRAY") & (psychTools::msqR$time==1))
select <- colnames(sai.xray1)[is.element(colnames(sai.xray1 ),colnames(psychTools::msqR))]
select <-select[-c(1:3)] #get rid of the id information
#The case where the two times are in the form x, y
dependability <- testRetest(sai.xray1,msq.xray,keys=select,lmer=FALSE)
dependability #show the results
#now examine the Impulsivity subscale of the EPI
#use the epiR data set which includes epi.keys
#Imp <- selectFromKeys(epi.keys$Imp) #fixed temporarily with
Imp <- c("V1", "V3", "V8", "V10","V13" ,"V22", "V39" , "V5" , "V41")
imp.analysis <- testRetest(psychTools::epiR,select=Imp) #test-retest = .7, alpha=.51,.51
# }
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