if(require("psychTools")) {
m1 <- setCor(reaction ~ import, data = Tal_Or,std=FALSE)
m2 <- setCor(reaction ~ import+pmi, data = Tal_Or,std=FALSE)
m3 <- setCor(reaction ~ import+pmi + cond, data = Tal_Or,std=FALSE)
#Several interesting test cases are taken from analyses of the Spengler data set
#Although the sample sizes are actually very large in the first wave, I use the
#sample sizes from the last wave
#This data set is actually in psychTools but is copied here until we can update psychTools
#We set the n.iter to be 50 instead of the default value of 5,000
if(require("psychTools")) {
mod1 <- mediate(Income.50 ~ IQ + Parental+ (Ed.11) ,data=Spengler,
n.obs = 1952, n.iter=50)
mod2 <- mediate(Income.50 ~ IQ + Parental+ (Ed.11) + (Income.11)
,data=Spengler,n.obs = 1952, n.iter=50)
#Now, compare these models
f3 <- fa(Thurstone,3,n.obs=213) #we need to specifiy the n.obs for the test to work
f2 <- fa(Thurstone,2, n.obs=213)
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