- x
The output from fa
, fa.poly
or principal
with the scores=TRUE option
- labels
if NULL, draw the points with the plot character (pch) specified.
To identify the data points, specify labels= 1:n where n is the number of
observations, or labels =rownames(data) where data was the data set analyzed
by the factor analysis.
- cex
A vector of plot sizes of the data labels and of the factor labels
- main
A main title for a two factor biplot
- hist.col
If plotting more than two factors, the color of the histogram of the factor scores
- xlim.s
x limits of the scores. Defaults to plus/minus three sigma
- ylim.s
y limits of the scores.Defaults to plus/minus three sigma
- xlim.f
x limits of the factor loadings.Defaults to plus/minus 1.0
- ylim.f
y limits of the factor loadings.Defaults to plus/minus 1.0
- maxpoints
When plotting 3 (or more) dimensions, at what size should we switch
from plotting "o" to plotting "."
- adjust
an adjustment factor in the histogram
- col
a vector of colors for the data points and for the factor loading labels
- pos
If plotting labels, what position should they be in? 1=below, 2=left,
3 top, 4 right.
If missing, then the assumption is that labels should be printed instead of data points.
- arrow.len
the length of the arrow head
- pch
The plotting character to use. pch=16 gives reasonable size dots.
pch="." gives tiny points. If adding colors, use pch between 21 and 25.
(see examples).
- choose
Plot just the specified factors
- cuts
Do not label cases with abs(factor scores) < cuts) (Actually,
the distance of the x and y scores from 0)
- cutl
Do not label variables with communalities in the two space < cutl
- group
A vector of a grouping variable for the scores. Show a different color
and symbol for each group.
- smoother
If TRUE then do a smooth scatter plot (which shows the density rather than the data points). Only useful for large data sets.
- vars
If TRUE, draw arrows for the variables, and plot the scores. If FALSE, then draw arrows for the scores and plot the variables.
- ...
more options for graphics