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When showing e.g., age or education distributions for two groups, it is convenient to plot them back to back. bi.bars will do so.
a graphic
The data frame or matrix from which we specify the data
The variable to plot
a grouping variable.
horizontal (default) or vertical bars
colors for the two groups -- defaults to blue and red
If specified, labels for the dependent axis
If TRUE, subtract the minimum value to make the numbers range from 0 to max -min. This is useful if showing heights
xaxis label if appropriate
y axis label otherwise
Further parameters to pass to the graphing program
William Revelle
A trivial, if useful, function to draw back to back histograms/barplots. One for each group.
describe, describeBy and statsBy for descriptive statistics and error.bars error.bars.by and densityBy violinBy for graphic displays
#data(bfi) bi.bars(bfi,"age","gender" ,ylab="Age",main="Age by males and females") bi.bars(bfi,"education","gender",xlab="Education", main="Education by gender",horiz=FALSE)
Run the code above in your browser using DataLab