n <- 30
r <- seq(0,.9,.1)
rc <- matrix(r.con(r,n),ncol=2)
test <- r.test(n,r)
r.rc <- data.frame(r=r,z=fisherz(r),lower=rc[,1],upper=rc[,2],t=test$t,p=test$p)
r.test(30,.4,.6) #test the difference between two independent correlations
r.test(103,.4,.5,.1) #Steiger case A of dependent correlations
r.test(n=103, r12=.4, r13=.5,r23=.1)
#for complicated tests, it is probably better to specify correlations by name
r.test(n=103,r12=.5,r34=.6,r13=.7,r23=.5,r14=.5,r24=.8) #steiger Case B
##By default, the precision of p values is 2 decimals
#Consider three different precisions shown by varying the requested number of digits
r12 = 0.693458895410494
r23 = 0.988475791500198
r13 = 0.695966022434845
print(r.test(n = 5105 , r12 = r12 , r23 = r23 , r13 = r13 )) #probability < 0.1
print(r.test(n = 5105 , r12 = r12, r23 = r23 , r13 = r13 ),digits=4) #p < 0.1001
print(r.test(n = 5105 , r12 = r12, r23 = r23 , r13 = r13 ),digits=8) #p< <0.1000759
#an example of how to compare the elements of two matrices
R1 <- lowerCor(bfi[1:200,1:5]) #find one set of Correlations
R2 <- lowerCor(bfi[201:400,1:5]) #and now another set sampled
#from the same population
test <- r.test(n=200, r12 = R1, r34 = R2)
round(lowerUpper(R1,R2,diff=TRUE),digits=2) #show the differences between correlations
#lowerMat(test$p) #show the p values of the difference between the two matrices
adjusted <- p.adjust(test$p[upper.tri(test$p)])
both <- test$p
both[upper.tri(both)] <- adjusted
round(both,digits=2) #The lower off diagonal are the raw ps, the upper the adjusted ps
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